Hello Gamers! I’m not usually one for big new year’s resolutions, but this year I am strangely in the spirit and thought it might be a good idea to do an all-contributors RPG Musings post about our gaming resolutions for 2011. Some might find this uninteresting, but I often find it helpful to see the directions people want to take at the beginning of the year because it helps me evaluate the directions that I want to take. So sit back, relax, and read about our gaming future…
- Game with more variety. I’ve got dozens of games that I’ve never done more than read the rulebook(s). I want to actually play some of them.
- Go to GenCon. I’ve never been to a convention dedicated to tabletop gaming and I think that I should.
- Get some adventures written and out there. I’ve got some fun ideas for adventures and I think it would be good to get my name out there like that.
- Get back to being healthier. Not exactly a gaming resolution, but I can’t game if I’m treating my body like crap either.
- Work on my roleplaying more. Try to ~be~ the characters I’m portraying rather than just speaking for them and make it more immersive and fun for everybody.
The Opportunist
I’m not big on resolutions. If I see something that needs to change, I go ahead and do something about it. That being said, I do like to set goals, so anything I might already be implementing sees an achievable result. Here are my goals:
- Get published. I’ve been writing a lot more lately, and I’m starting to feel like the stuff I’m writing is getting to a point where I can turn it into something. This blog has been instrumental in that.
- Bruise more egos. I have discovered I’m pretty good at putting people in their place, especially when they’re way off base. Expect more of that.
- I’ve made a lot of friends this year in D&D and RPGs. I hope to make more.
- Less a goal for me, and more a request for the industry. I’d like to see an RPG and/or setting combining tranhumanism and steampunk. Think a Victorian Eclipse Phase. If I don’t see anyone doing it, I may come up with it myself.
I used to think making New Year’s resolutions were silly. I subscribed to the “just do it today, not some arbitrary date” thinking for a long time. Then in consecutive years I managed to quit smoking and begin a hardcore exercise program. Fortunately, I’ve never gone back to smoking, however, I have slipped on my exercise in the past 6 months. I do now believe that setting goal points works.
- One of my resolutions going into 2011 is to get back into my exercise program. I need to lose about 10 pounds and get my muscle strength back. It’s amazing how hard it is to build and easy it is to disappear.
- I also need to re-commit to my promise to my second-oldest to play more D&D with him. He’s a big fan of 4E, and has consumed the content of all of the PHBs and campaign setting books over the past few months. I just never seem to be able to motivate myself to run games for him.
- It’s hard enough keeping myself motivated enough for my regular group, which is another resolution I should probably commit to; getting myself pumped up to run my regular game again.
- I think I would also like to get some time in with Dragon Age on the tabletop as well. I also have a pile of video games, including the now pretty dated Mass Effect 2 to play.
- I’m hoping that this year I can start getting some things checked off my to-do list. It always seems easier said than done.
Here’s to hoping your 2011 goals come to fruition as well! May you have a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
- Main New Year’s resolution for me: More Gaming! I took an unfortunate near 5-month hiatus from gaming in 2010, and I hope not to repeat that in ’11.
- In particular I want to use the changes in my life schedule and gaming group to get more systems to the table, including Savage Worlds and Leverage.
- I also want to get some more game mastering in during the year, in addition to the regular game I play in.
- I also want to attend at least one local convention other than PAX East.
- Hopefully all that gaming will help me with my blogging resolutions. I’d like to get 3-4 RPG Musings posts out a month in addition to at least one post a week on mikesdndblog.com.
- Otherwise, I want to lose weight, spend more time with my family, and be awesomer at my job.
- Write 1 delve a week. Roll a d30, and make it what ever level is rolled. I’m calling it Delve-a-Week.
- Kill at least one of the PCs in one of my campaigns, something I’ve never done. I’ve always been a so-called ‘sissy DM‘, letting any thing go in my games. I’m not gonna make a Tomb of Horrors-like run, rather, just take the training gloves off.
- Finish making a full set of World Works Game terrain.
My gaming resolutions for this year all require the ability to organize and schedule, so I suppose my meta-resolution is to hone those skills. Here are the things I would like to do in 2011 with respect to gaming:
- Continue to run my current games. I have 2 online 4e D&D games and an online Dresden Files RPG game that I would like to run on a regular basis through September. Also, complete the current campaign in my face-to-face 4e D&D game.
- Play in and/or run a game/series-of-sessions for some other systems. I have the following systems in mind: Eclipse Phase, Apocalypse World, Deadlands: Reloaded, Diaspora, Cthulhutech, Mouseguard, Dragon Age, Dogs in the Vineyard, Penny For My Thoughts, and Paranoia. (Anybody want to play?)
- Complete the Iron Reviewer competition over at RPG Geek. We are challenged to write a review of an RPG product once every two weeks for the entire year. This is survivor style where you miss and you’re out.
- Get back on a regular workout schedule so that I can get healthy again. How does this have to do with gaming? The healthier I am the more energy I have and the more I can run/play RPGs (and the more likely I am to have fun doing it!).
- And finally, Make it to GenCon and host a panel with the podcast gang (the hosts of 4 Geeks 4e and The Dungeon Master’s Roundtable podcast).
And that’s all folks! From all of the writers and gamers here at RPG Musings, we hope that you have a wonderful 2011!